Summit County Wedding Photographers _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ this day was an absolute turning point in the way that I view, experience and ultimately the entire way I work weddings and with the couples that entrust my with their happiest of memories. I met Kent + Ellen for tacos and margaritas one summer night a little more than…
Lyons,Colorado Wedding Photographers | Lyons River Bend Wedding __________________________________________________________________________________________________ A beautiful poem written and spoken for Danny and Laura, on their wedding day …… “Boulder in May, June in Tucson” by Martha Elizabeth Boulder in May – the mountains here are blue, green-plum as Danny painted them, the humidity smudging the sky as if some…
Vail Colorado Mountain Wedding Photos | Piney River Ranch Wedding _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Whenever I go to hit the submit on a blog post, after I’ve spent hours going through each wedding story and choosing my favorite photos captured from the day. Right as soon as I’m about to share it with the world wide web, I …
Telluride Wedding Photographer | Telluride San Sophia Overlook _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ First things first, If you’ve never been to Telluride, Colorado , drop what you’re doing right now and make the trip. If you’ve been to Telluride but never taken the gondola up to the top to see the San Sophia Overlook, you better sprint with some…
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